česky english March 29, 2025

About magazine

DPS Elektronika od A do Z

The magazine covers the entire spectrum of the electronics, from the development and design to manufacturing.

In each issue of the magazine you will find regular topics such as: development and production of electronics, measuring and testing technology, PCB manufacturing and related operations, passive and active components, systems and applications, news from research and development of electronics or calendar of events.

• It is published 6 times a year in the Czech edition and 6 times a year in the English edition
• The magazine is available in electronic form as a Preview copy for online reading and also as a downloadable PDF for offline reading
• A special printed edition with targeted distribution for the AMPER trade fair is published once a year


Regular Topics

Design & Development                                                    Industry 4.0

Applications and systems                                                IoT and IIoT technologies

Electronic parts and components                                    News from science and research

Measuring and testing technology                                   Norms and standards

Electronics manufacturing                                               Professional literature and terminology

Technology and materials                                                Trends and innovations

Robotics and automation                                                 Electromobility

Inspection and testing                                                      Automatic identification

Electronics in engineering and automation                      Artificial intelligence

3D printing                                                                        Virtual reality

New products and technologies                                       Trade shows and conferences

CAD/CAE/CAM Software                                                 Event calendar

Media partnership

The magazine is a media partner of a number of trade fairs held in the Czech Republic and abroad, e.g.: AMPER, MSV, e-SALON, productronica, electronica, SMTConnect, SPS, IOT Solutions World Congress, TechEx Europe, Focus on PCB and others.


Membership in associations

DPS Elektronika od A do Z magazine is a member of the following associations:

  • EIPC (European Institute of Printed Circuits)
  • EPCI (European Passive Components Institute)
  • IMAPS (International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society)


Structure of readers

The magazine is primarily intended for people in R&D, PCB design, and PCB manufacturing, which includes assembly, testing, and other related fields. It reaches electronics professionals, engineers, supervisors, and managers, as well as technical schools and universities.


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Czech Republic

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