česky english March 29, 2025

Your partners in CZ & SK

Electronics industry in Czech Republic and Slovakia - Market overview

Electronics industry has a long tradition in both Czech Republic and Slovakia (former Czechoslovakia). It will soon be one hundred years since companies manufacturing various electronics components, including vacuum tubes, spread across the country. The first electronics magazine Radioamatér started to be published in 1922 to support huge interest in electronics among people. There are more than two thousand companies today involved in design, development and manufacturing. They are rather smaller to midsize companies as a result of dissolving giant state own company TESLA and several others during the economic transition in early nineties. These companies continue to manufacture components, wide range of electronics products, and solutions based on electronics.

Some companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia wish to offer their manufacturing capacity, design and development capabilities, as well as their products and solutions related to electronics industry, through this website. These companies are listed below, new entries will be added on the go. You are free to search through this listing and contact selected companies directly. You may also contact us in case you are unable to find suitable counterpart, or in any other case.

Companies offering their services and products

Below is our list of companies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia offering their services, products and manufacturing capacities in branch of the electronics industry. There are four main categories of offers: PCB Manufacturing, EMS - Electronics Manufacturing Services, Product Development and Products & Solutions, by clicking on one of them you will be trasfered to the list of appropriate companies offering services in a given category.
Click a company name to get full company details.

By making a selection in "I am looking for" pop-up menu you can specify a combination of search parameters. The search result will display as a list of companies that fulfill given parameters.

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Company Categories
PCB Manufacturing EMS - Electronics Manufacturing Services Product Development Products & Solutions
Certuma spol. s r.o. yes yes yes no
ELITRONIC s.r.o. no yes yes yes
EverMAX s.r.o. yes yes yes yes
PCB BENEŠOV, a.s. yes no no no
PRINTED spol. s r.o. yes no no no
TELUX, spol. s r.o. no yes no no