česky english March 15, 2025

Shrink Motor Drives for eBikes, Robots, and Drones with 100 V GaN FETs from EPC

01.01. 2024 | News

EPC announces the availability of the EPC9194, a 3-phase BLDC motor drive inverter reference design. It operates from an input supply voltage range of 14 V to 60 V and delivers up to 60 Apk (40 Arms) output current. This voltage range and power level makes the solution ideal for a variety of 3-Phase BLDC motor drives including eBikes, eScooters, drones, robots, DC servo motors.

The EPC9194 demonstration board features six EPC2302 100V eGaN FETs in a 3 mm x 5 mm QFN package. The board’s size is only 130 mm x 100 mm (including the connector). The EPC2302 eGaN FET offers an incredibly small RDS(on), of just 1.8 mOhm, combined with very small QG, QGD, and QOSS parameters for reduced conduction and switching losses. The package is a thermally enhanced QFN with exposed top for enhanced heat dissipation to the heatsink, and wettable flanks for easy inspections.

The estimated total power loss with six EPC2302’s at 20 ARMS and with 100 kHz PWM frequency is half that of a Si MOSFET solution with the same RDS(on) operating at 16 kHz PWM frequency (more info).