česky english March 15, 2025

Microchip Unveils New Standard of Enhanced Code Security With the PIC18-Q24 Family of MCUs

29.12. 2023 | News

More and more everyday items are connected to the cloud—from cellphones and vehicles to smart thermostats and home appliances. With this rise in connectivity, the need for advanced security measures at the chip level, protecting both firmware and data, is critical. To defend against current and ever-expanding security threats, Microchip Technology has launched the PIC18-Q24 Family of Microcontrollers (MCUs).

To counter the threat of maliciously reprogramming a device in an embedded system, PIC18-Q24 MCUs introduce the Programming and Debugging Interface Disable (PDID) feature. When enabled, this enhanced code protection feature is designed to lock out access to the programming/debugging interface and block unauthorized attempts to read, modify or erase firmware.

Because many secure systems often connect and communicate with a wide variety of sensors, memory chips and processors, the PIC18-Q24 MCUs feature Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO). This feature eliminates the need for external level shifters and allows the MCUs to interface with digital inputs or outputs at different operating voltages (more info).