česky english March 15, 2025

New 32-bit MCU Features an Embedded Hardware Security Module to Safeguard Industrial and Consumer Applications

06.11. 2023 | News

Industrial and consumer application designers must consider implementing security functionality in their devices during the development process as security threats evolve and become more sophisticated. To allow designers to easily integrate security into their applications, Microchip Technology announces a new family of PIC32CZ CA 32-bit microcontrollers with a 300 MHz Arm Cortex-M7 processor, an integrated Hardware Security Module (HSM), and a wide range of connectivity and Flash memory options for added flexibility.

The new family of PIC32CZ CA devices includes the PIC32CZ CA90 with a HSM or the PIC32CZ CA80 without the integrated HSM. The HSM in the PIC32CZ CA90 is a monolithic solution that provides advanced security for industrial and consumer applications. The HSM operates as a secure subsystem with a separate MCU on board that runs the firmware and security features including hardware secure boot, key storage, cryptographic acceleration, true random number generator and more (more info).