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Smart power switch family Power PROFET™ enables modern power distribution architectures

11.09. 2023 | News

Since relays and fuses cannot meet the requirements of modern E/E vehicle architectures, partial or complete electrification of the primary and secondary power distribution must be taken into account. To address this issue, Infineon Technologies has launched a new generation of ultra-low ohmic high-side switches in a TO-leadless package, the Power PROFET™ + 12V switch family.

The Power PROFET™ + 12V allows for new mounting locations and new enclosure options, enabling the next generation of decentralized power architectures with high efficiency. Two variants are available: the BTS50005-1LUA with an on-resistance (R DS(ON)) of 0.6 mΩ and the BTS50010-1LUA with an R DS(ON) of 1.0 mΩ for lowest power losses. They are designed to control high-current applications, especially in hot cabin and engine compartment environments for demanding high inrush currents, such as in heaters, pumps and fans. They provide more than 1,000,000 switching cycles compared to, for example, in average 200,000 switching cycles of a relay (more info).