česky english March 14, 2025

TDK expands the Tronics AXO 300 series with two types of high-performance digital MEMS accelerometer sensors

23.03. 2023 | News

TDK Corporation announces the extension of Tronics AXO®300 accelerometers platform with two new products.

After the successful production launch in 2020 of the ±14 g AXO315 accelerometer for high-performance navigation and positioning of dynamic systems, Tronics extends the AXO300 accelerometer series with AXO301, a low-noise and high-resolution ±1 g accelerometer for high precision acceleration/deceleration measurements in railway applications and inclination control in industrial applications, and AXO305, a ±5 g accelerometer tailored for navigation, positioning, and motion control of land and marine manned and unmanned systems.

Built with an innovative closed-loop architecture that delivers high linearity and stability even under strong vibrations, the accelerometers from the AXO300 platform feature an excellent one-year composite bias repeatability of 1 mg and composite scale factor repeatability of 600 ppm (more info).