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GSM-20H10 precision DC source meter is poised to seize the semiconductor component testing market

22.12. 2022 | News

GW Instek announced that it has launched the new GSM-20H10 precision DC source meter to officially enter the source meter equipment market in order to showcase GW Instek's extensive experience in power measurement applications, and the combined technological advantages of developing 6 1/2 DMM. By launching this product, GW Instek will compete with Keithley, NI, and Keysight source meter manufacturers to grab the semiconductor component testing market so as to provide engineers with digital source meters of high precision, high measurement speed and best cost performance ratio.

The demand for source meters in the measurement equipment market is relatively high and the application is quite extensive. It is indispensable for the semiconductor component industry demanding highest standards of measurement accuracy, speed, and efficiency to have a high-precision test and measurement instrument that combines practical functions from a DMM, power supply, precision source, and electronic load. The brand new GSM-20H10 series digital source meter has a power supply and measurement range of ±210V / ±1.05A / 22W, providing an accurate measurement accuracy of 0.012% and the 6 1/2-digit high-resolution DMM function provides the highest measurement accuracy of 1uV/10pA (more info).