SiPearl, the company designing the high-performance, low-power microprocessor for European exascale supercomputers, has entered into a strategic collaboration agreement with NVIDIA for joint technical and business developments aiming to combine both companies’ portfolio of hardware and software solutions.
NVIDIA and SiPearl will develop a proxy platform for porting activities and SVE workload analysis combining the strengths of SiPearl CPU (such as HBM memory) and NVIDIA GPU (including massive parallelism and throughput). The collaboration will include joint efforts with third-party European research institutions on elements such as SoC and NoC simulation capabilities in opensource and research-oriented modeling tools.
On the software side, the two companies will accelerate the development and growth of the Arm HPC ecosystem working closely with several European Centres of Excellence. On the hardware side, SiPearl and NVIDIA will work together to make sure the NVIDIA accelerated computing and networking portfolio continue to work seamlessly with SiPearl ‘Rhea’ and future CPUs.
This collaboration with NVIDIA will expand the ecosystem of acceleration solutions provided in combination with SiPearl HPC microprocessors. With this partnership, SiPearl extends its portfolio of partner acceleration solutions. The objective is to offer the best combinations to perfectly meet the application needs of the European HPC community across the strategic fields of academic, artificial intelligence, health, climate, energy, engineering, geology and government.
For more information see the original Press Release.