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Power Integrations Unveils High-Efficiency Quasi-Resonant PFC IC with 750 V GaN Switch

02.05. 2022 | News

Power Integrations announced the HiperPFS™-5 family of power-factor-correction (PFC) ICs with an integrated 750 V PowiGaN™ gallium-nitride switch. With efficiency of up to 98.3 percent, the new ICs deliver up to 240 W without a heat sink and can achieve a power factor of better than 0.98. HiperPFS-5 ICs are ideal for high-power USB PD adapters, TVs, game consoles, all-in-one computers and appliances.

The capacitors and inductors used in power supplies generate a phase change between current and voltage, causing losses in the power lines and potentially disrupting other equipment connected to the AC mains. Many countries require power supplies over 75 W to adjust for this effect with so-called power factor correction, or PFC. While there are many PFC solutions available, HiperPFS-5 ICs with PowiGaN technology and a quasi-resonant (QR) control scheme represent the pinnacle of the art and science of off-line power quality enhancement.

HiperPFS-5’s innovative QR discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) control technique adjusts the switching frequency across output load, input line voltage and input line cycle (more info, photo: Business Wire).