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Axiomet AX-8455 benchtop multimeter

24.03. 2022 | News

The AX-8455 is a versatile and reliable true-RMS benchtop multimeter for use in areas such as education, electronic and electromechanical equipment service, maintenance, and production.

In addition to measuring typical electrical parameters such as current, voltage, and resistance, the multimeter allows you to measure frequency, period, temperature (using a K-type thermocouple), as well as to perform diode and continuity test. The measuring accuracy is high (VDC accuracy is 0.05% + 5 digits). A large, double display (5 digits) with a bar graph display (23 segments) makes it easy to read the value. Furthermore, the multimeter enables simultaneous measurement of two quantities: AC/DC voltage; AC voltage and frequency, DC voltage and current; current and frequency; frequency and period, as well as temperature in °C and °F. The sampling rate is 4Hz, while the measuring ranges are adapted to both mains-powered electrical equipment and precision electronics. For example, the DC voltage measuring range is 80mV to 1V. The maximum measured frequency is 8MHz.

The multimeter can be connected to a PC via the built in RS232 interface. The device can perform mathematical operations (such as MAX, MIN, AVG or MAX-MIN, i.e., delta expressed in units or percent), which increases the functionality of the product in laboratory conditions or during prototyping process. In addition, the multimeter has a rectangular wave generator that can save up to 18 settings; the PEAK HOLD function significantly improves the measurement of signals (more info).