česky english March 11, 2025

TDK offers hybrid polymer capacitors with considerably enhanced ripple current capability

28.02. 2022 | News

TDK Corporation presents with the B40640B and B40740B series hybrid polymer capacitors with a very high ripple current capability increased by up to 29 per cent compared to preceding types. The ripple current capability is now up to 35 A (20 kHz, 125 °C). The new types are designed for a rated voltage of 63 V, cover a capacitance range from 390 µF to 720 µF, and offer an extremely low ESR value. For example, with a cup size of 16 mm x 30 mm (D x H) and an ambient temperature of 20 °C, an ESR of 3.9 mΩ at 20 kHz can be achieved. Even at an operating temperature of -40 °C, the ESR is just 5.4 mΩ.

Due to their highly rugged construction, the capacitors offer a high vibration strength of 60 g and can be operated at up to 150 °C. A very low thermal resistance is achieved due to the inner structure of all axial-hybrid polymer capacitors, which are optimized for the thermal connection to a heatsink. Moreover, the axial design ensures a stable connection to the heatsinks throughout the service life. Depending on the capacitance values, the dimensions vary between 14 mm x 25 mm and 16 mm x 30 mm (D x H). The RoHS-compatible capacitors are available in axial-lead (B40640B) and solder star (B40740B) designs, both with and without PET hose. The rugged design and excellent electrical parameters of these capacitors are ideally suited to automotive applications in 48 V on-board supplies (more info).