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ST Drives the Future of EVs and Industrial Applications with New Silicon-Carbide Devices

07.02. 2022 | News

STMicroelectronics is introducing its third generation of STPOWER silicon-carbide (SiC) MOSFETs, advancing the state-of-the-art in power devices for electric-vehicle (EV) powertrains and other applications where power density, energy efficiency, and reliability are important target criteria.

The market leader in SiC power MOSFETs, ST has incorporated new and advanced design know-how to open up even more of SiC’s energy-saving potential. The effort continues to drive the transformation of the EV and industrial markets. With the acceleration of the EV market many car makers and automotive suppliers are now embracing 800V drive systems to achieve much faster charging and help reduce EV weight. These new systems allow the car makers to produce vehicles with longer driving ranges. ST’s new SiC devices are specifically optimized for these high-end automotive applications including EV traction inverters, on-board chargers, and DC/DC converters, as well as e-climate compressors. The new generation also suits industrial applications by boosting the efficiency of motor drives, renewable-energy converters and storage systems, as well as telecom and data-center power supplies.

Devices with nominal voltage ratings from 650V and 750V up to 1200V will be available, giving more choices for designers to address applications operating from ordinary AC-line voltages up to those of high-voltage EV batteries and chargers (more info).