STMicroelectronics has introduced a world-first automotive satellite-navigation chip that delivers high-quality position data needed by advanced driving systems. Joining ST’s Teseo V family, the STA8135GA is the first automotive-qualified GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver to integrate a triple-band positioning measurement engine on-chip, in addition to standard multi-band Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) and dead-reckoning.
Triple band has historically been used in professional applications such as surveying, mapping, and precision agriculture that demand millimeter accuracy with minimal reliance on correction data. Until now only available in chipsets or modules, which are typically larger and more expensive than ST’s single-chip solution, triple-band enables the receiver to efficiently acquire and track the largest number of satellites in multiple constellations simultaneously for superior performance in difficult conditions such as in urban canyons and under tree cover.
Bringing this capability to the automotive market in a compact and convenient package, the STA8135GA helps driver-assistance systems make accurate decisions about the road ahead. The multi-constellation receiver delivers raw information for the host system to run any precise-positioning algorithm, such as PPP/RTK (Precise Point Positioning / Real-Time Kinematic). The STA8135GA also enhances the performance of in-dash navigation systems, telematics equipment, smart antennas, and V2X communication systems, as well as marine navigation systems, drones, and other vehicles (more info).