česky english March 10, 2025

New generation of MEMS barometric pressure sensor platform

03.12. 2021 | News

TDK Corporation announces the worldwide availability of the InvenSense ICP-20100 platform, a new generation, feature-rich barometric pressure sensor, ideal for applications in smart phones, tablets, drones, and smart home appliances. With architectural innovations, ICP-20100 improves on the industry-leading accuracy, long term drift, and temperature stability of the SmartPressure™ product family.

The ICP-20100 device combines a barometric pressure and a temperature sensor in a small 2.0 mm x 2.0 mm x 0.8 mm package. The device enables flexible user designs with multiple input voltage levels including 1.2V, 1.8V and 3.3V, and a choice of I²C, I3C (SM) and SPI interfaces. The ICP-20100 device can be configured to achieve ultra-low noise or ultra-low power performance and has the versatility to perform anywhere in-between.

The InvenSense SmartPressure™ family uses an innovative capacitive MEMS architecture to deliver lower power consumption and lower noise than competing pressure sensors technologies. The ICP-20100 pressure sensor can operate over wide temperature ranges and deliver measurement accuracies required by a variety of applications (more info).

ICP-20100 (jpg)