Downstream Technologies is pleased to announce the releases of the new versions of their industry-leading PCB post-processing solutions - CAM350 version 14.6 and BluePrint-PCB version 6.6.
For this release, DownStream focused on significant upgrades to existing DFM analysis capability to support Rigid-Flex and Inter-Layer analysis.
In addition to Flex DFM, DownStream has also implemented a new API for CAM350 built around Microsoft’s Visual Basic.
Other enhancements to CAM350 include a new 2D graphics engine based on openGL, support for Net Bridges, and support for IPC-2581 format Rev C.
The company also announced minor upgrades to their BluePrint-PCB documentation tool, including a 2D graphic upgrade as well as new capability to transfer a BluePrint panel document into CAM350 for panel design editing.
Customers with an active contract (maintenance) are eligible for this release and can download the software from Downstream website.