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Panasonic Industry relies on sustainable energy generation at the Ottobrunn site

18.08. 2021 | News

The optimization of the energy balance at the headquarters of Panasonic Industry in Ottobrunn near Munich through a photovoltaic system with 185 kilowatts of power is a building block in Panasonic's environmental strategy "Environment Vision 2050". With this strategy, Panasonic has committed itself to taking concrete measures globally and actively to implement the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDG / 17 goals for sustainable development) of the United Nations (UN).

While Panasonic in Ottobrunn is now generating solar power for its own consumption, the Eco-POWER METER monitoring system is simultaneously recording electricity consumption. On this basis, energy guzzlers are to be identified and electricity consumption in the building reduced as far as possible.

Generate solar power for office building

The photovoltaic system in Ottobrunn is a measure within the scope of the "Green Plan 2021", the first 3-year plan of the 2050 strategy. In the community within the district of Munich, around 630 Panasonic employees work in two buildings. The solar specialist Vispiron Energy installed 570 Panasonic HIT® N 325 modules, each with 325 watts of power, on the flat roof of one of the buildings. The total output of the system is 185 kilowatts (kW). The modules are elevated to the east / west with an angle of inclination of 10 degrees. 13 tons of material were applied to the roof. This corresponds to about 20 kilograms per square meter of surface load, which was possible without a roof renovation or other stabilizing measures.

The annual yield of the PV system was calculated at 185,000 kilowatt hours (185 MWh). On an ideal sunny day, the solar power can completely supply the building according to simulations. Over the course of the year, Panasonic will be able to cover just under 20 percent of its electricity needs at this location with the PV system. A battery-storage system was not included for reasons of cost-effectiveness.

More info in the original Press Release.