EPC announces the availability of the EPC9149, a 1 kW-capable 48 V input to 12 V output LLC converter that operates as a DC transformer with a conversion ratio of 4:1. This demonstration board features the 100V EPC2218 and 40 V EPC2024 GaN FETs.
The board is the size of DOSA-standard ⅛th brick format, measuring only 58.4 mm by 22.9 mm. This is considerably smaller than alternative silicon-based solutions that are generally sized in the ¼th brick format, or twice as large, for 1 kW of output power. The total thickness of the converter without heatsink is only 10 mm. To make it simple for a power supply designer to easily replicate this design, all supporting materials for this board including schematic, bills of materials, and Gerber files are available on the EPC website.
The high-power density, 1226 W/in3, is achieved thanks to EPC GaN FET technology. eGaN FETs enable high switching frequency, in this case 1 MHz, and they are very small, ⅓ of the size of silicon MOSFETs with similar on resistance (more info).