česky english March 09, 2025

Low-Capacitance Automotive TVS Delivers Protection for High-Speed Interfaces

28.06. 2021 | News

STMicroelectronics’ ESDCAN03-2BM3Y dual automotive-qualified low-capacitance transient voltage suppressor (TVS) protects CAN and CAN-FD interfaces. At 1.1mm x 1.0mm, the new TVS meets the automotive industry’s need for highly miniaturized and high-performing protection devices for the increasing numbers of high-density ECUs (Electronic Control Units) such as ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), autonomous driving controllers, and automotive gateways. Using this device, designers can save 75% or more of the PCB space needed by conventional TVS in SOT23-3L and SOT323-3L packages.

The ESDCAN03-2BM3Y ensures outstanding transient protection with clamping voltage as low as 33V (8/20µs at 1A) and 37V (transmission-line pulse (TLP) at 16A). On top of CAN and CAN-FD, the line capacitance of just 3.3pF allows the TVS to protect high-speed and high-data-rate buses such as FlexRay™ and USB. The maximum junction temperature rating of 175°C allows deployment in locations throughout the vehicle, from the cabin to the engine compartment with severe mission profiles (more info).
