česky english March 09, 2025

Keysight Delivers the Power of Four Unique Instruments Through Single Graphical Interface

10.06. 2021 | News

Keysight Technologies has launched a portfolio of Smart Bench Essentials (SBE) lab bench products that deliver the power of four unique instruments, including a triple-output power supply, an arbitrary function generator, a digital multimeter and an oscilloscope, through one powerful graphical interface offering integrated data management and analysis capabilities.

General test labs, as well as university teaching labs, need test instruments that are connected to each other, connected to the lab, connected to the cloud and connected to innovation. These differentiated connections enable customers to accelerate insights, whether in learning, teaching or troubleshooting.

Keysight's SBE lab bench products are also perfect for modern university teaching labs that require an enhanced environment conducive to sharing and maximizing learning. Remote learning technology is the new normal accelerated by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Most universities struggle to adapt to this new environment, seeking a blended learning experience with the right technologies (more info, Reproduced with Permission, Courtesy of Keysight Technologies, Inc.).
