česky english March 09, 2025

Bluetooth audio module from DFRobot

12.04. 2021 | News

TME offers a Bluetooth 4.2 audio receiver module with a built-in 2 x 5 W stereo amplifier. It has a number of interesting features that make it suitable for a wide variety of applications, amateur projects, semi-professional solutions and small-batch products. The module is intended primarily for portable stereo Bluetooth speakers – the product contains almost all components needed to build such a device.

5V DC power supply can be supplied via the MicroUSB connector or PCB pins (C, A). It is also possible to run the module using a single 3.7 V lithium-ion cell, connected directly to the board (A). The speaker wires are soldered to clearly marked leads (B) located close to the amplifier circuits to minimize possible interference. The PCB also includes a Bluetooth antenna, eliminating the need for an external element. The communication module supports the Bluetooth 4.2 standard and is therefore compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, which reduces the power consumption of mobile devices (more info).
