česky english March 09, 2025

Formaldehyde sensing made easy

08.04. 2021 | News

Sensirion presents its new formaldehyde sensor module, the SFA30. The SFA30’s innovative electrochemical cell design, dedicated electronics including an onboard Sensirion humidity and temperature sensor, and advanced algorithms, enables highly reliable and selective formaldehyde detection at very low concentrations. This new sensor thus targets the appliance market focusing on indoor air purification and ventilation systems as well as indoor air quality monitors.

Formaldehyde is typically released slowly and continuously from furniture, building materials, paint and coatings. It is a harmful and carcinogenic gas that causes conditions such as “sick building syndrome”. Caused by inadequate ventilation and chemical contaminants from indoor sources, “sick building syndrome” can lead to various symptoms for building occupants such as acute discomfort, headache, eye, nose, or throat irritation, dizziness and nausea, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue, and sensitivity to odors. Formaldehyde is a background gas known to be relevant in very low concentrations. The World Health Organization (WHO) for example establishes an indoor air quality guideline for exposure to formaldehyde of only 80 ppb as a 30-minute average (more info).
