česky english March 09, 2025

Keysight Expands Portfolio of Source/Measure Units for Test Applications

11.02. 2021 | News

Keysight Technologies announced three new Source Measure Units (SMUs) for test applications that require high accuracy, high resolution and measurement flexibility, including current-voltage (I-V) characterizing and testing semiconductors, as well as other non-linear devices and materials.

SMUs are electronic instruments capable of sourcing and measuring at the same time. They can precisely force voltage or current and simultaneously measure precise voltage and/or current.  Keysight offers a wide range of SMU instruments, which are categorized into four areas: precision, application specific, general-purpose and basic.

The Keysight M9601A PXIe precision SMU is ideal for a wide variety of current versus voltage (I-V) measurement tasks that require both high resolution and accuracy such as characterization, parametric/reliability tests of semiconductors, active/passive components and general electronic devices. It supports accurate and precise measurement up to 210 V / 315 mA with resolution down to 500 nV / 10 fA. Pulsed and sampling measurement capabilities allow the M9601A to perform a wide variety of measurements from DC to pulsed down to 20 μs at 1.25 MSa/s sampling rate (more info).
