česky english March 09, 2025

Tektronix announces TekScope PC Software with enhanced Multi-Scope Analysis

03.12. 2020 | News

Tektronix recently launched a new feature to its TekScope PC Software, making it the newest and most sophisticated waveform analysis PC software in the test and measurement market. TekScope PC Software with enhanced Multi-Scope Analysis allows remote users to view and analyze data from up to 32 channels from multiple scopes at the same time in the same interface, accelerating analysis efficiency.

Tektronix accelerated the development of TekScope for customers as the global COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered how and where engineers work. As many engineers move to off-scope environments, Tektronix's new Multi-Scope Analysis feature allows the engineer to process, analyze and share data efficiently, without having to be physically next to a scope or in the testing environment.

Unlike competing software, the Multi-Scope Analysis feature enables customers to remotely control the acquisition settings on all scopes simultaneously without the need to set up each scope individually (more info).
