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SMTconnect 2020 goes digital presents expert program

04.08. 2020 | News

The digital version of the SMTconnect took place this year from 28–29 July 2020. Over 1,200 participants from the field of electronics production took advantage of the opportunity to participate in the varied program and enjoy expert dialogue.

With an offering for the international community, which included several high-quality presentations on the current situation of the industry, attendees were also able to benefit from fruitful group discussion with SCOOP founder Philip Stoten. Several representatives from renowned companies, such as the Zollner Elektronik AG, the KATEK Group and the Celonis SE, joined the exchange and shared their own views on how far COVID-19 is set to accelerate digital transformation within the EMS sector.

Relevant topics such as sustainable manufacturing and the circular economy formed a further highlight in the program. The “What’s New In Electronics” discussion, led by Kim Sauer, also brought experts from the field of electronics manufacturing together where they talked about the implementation of 5G and its importance for different key industries. The annual expert exchange would not have been complete without a look to the future and participants had the opportunity to discuss advanced and emerging trends in the sector, as well as how electronics manufacturing is continuing to drive the fourth industrial revolution.

"For me, the lectures were very well conceived both in their relevance to the electronics manufacturing industry and in their diversity. I would like to thank all those involved for the opportunity of participating in the digital trade fair”, commented Denny Bartels, Manager Planning Process, Tonfunk GmbH.

Video recordings will be available in mid-August

The recordings of the lectures and discussions will be provided free of charge in mid-August on smtconnect.com.

The next SMTconnect will take place as usual from 4 – 6 May 2021 in Nuremberg.

The original Press Release