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New TBS2000B Series of Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

21.05. 2020 | News

Tektronix announced the new TBS2000B Series of Digital Storage Oscilloscopes that was developed to meet the performance, usability and affordability needs of both engineers and educators. The TBS2000B scopes extend the performance of the TBS2000 portfolio to 200 MHz with 2GS/s maximum sample rate. The TBS2000B introduction comes shortly after the release of Tektronix's Series 3 and 4 Series Oscilloscopes, as the organization remains committed to investing in a broad portfolio of benchtop solutions.

The TBS2000B Series is designed for easy operation and fast hands-on learning with a range of key features: Large 9-inch WVGA display and 15 horizontal divisions—the most in its class—provide 50% more signal visibility. 5M point record length, 200 MHz bandwidth, and 2GS/s sample rate capture and display significantly more signal to debug and validate designs faster (more info).
