česky english March 11, 2025

Three ways to conduct thermal inspections

05.03. 2020 | News

There’s no universal solution for all infrared inspections with a thermal camera, also known as a thermal imager. You need to match your method to the type of equipment you’re inspecting and the level of detail you require. That said, there are three typical methods that cover most situations you’ll run into: Baseline thermography, Thermal trending thermography and Comparative thermography.

Baseline thermography is a good place to start for just about any application. First, you scan the equipment when it’s first commissioned or later in the lifecycle when it is working the way it should be, and then use that as a reference point for future inspections. Whether you compare the thermal images on your camera in the field, or on your PC using software tools, this baseline approach paves the way to helping you spot anomalies down the road (more info).
