česky english March 11, 2025

ams launches most advanced spectral ALS sensor for next-generation premium smartphone camera performance boost

28.02. 2020 | News

ams launches the AS7350, the market’s most advanced spectral ambient light sensor (ALS) for high-end mobile phone cameras. The new sensor enables the high-best quality images even in situations with extreme color contrast, or under non-ideal/mixed light source conditions, enabling professional grade photography using a consumer device. For the first time, the AS7350 achieves this by enabling light source identification via spectral reconstruction to achieve unprecedented automatic white-point balancing accuracy under any light conditions.

The AS7350 identifies any type of light source, including daylight, incandescent, fluorescent, all types of LEDs, and any combination thereof. Sensor features 11 channels, 8 equally spaced in the visible, 1 flicker, 1 NIR, and 1 clear channel, all in a tiny 3.1mm x 2.0mm x 1.0mm LGA package (more info).
