česky english March 13, 2025

Latest LED Driver Family Eliminates PWM Audible Noise

03.06. 2019 | News

Allegro MicroSystems announced the A8060x family, their latest generation of advanced LED backlight drivers. The device family is designed with an innovative and patented Pre-Emptive Boost (PEB) control, eliminating noise that is typically audible.

PEB control in the A8060x family substantially reduces Vout ripple and eliminates the common problem of audible noise from ceramic output capacitors during PWM dimming, while also requiring less output capacitance overall. Systems can achieve an LED brightness contrast ratio of 15,000:1 using PWM-only dimming at 200 Hz. A higher ratio of 150,000:1 is possible when using a combination of PWM and analog dimming.

The ALT80600 and A80603 combine a switching converter with integrated MOSFET and four current sinks, while the A80601 and A80602 drive an external boost FET for higher output power. All devices can be configured in a boost or SEPIC topology to cover a wide range of application configurations (more info).
