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Maxim Delivers the Most Compact 4-Channel Automotive PMIC for Vehicle Camera Modules

08.04. 2019 | News

With automotive camera modules becoming increasingly smaller, designers can now utilize the ultra-compact MAX20049 power management IC from Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., which integrates four power supplies into a tiny footprint. In addition to being the most compact power management IC for vehicle camera modules, it delivers the highest efficiency on the market today. The MAX20049 offers many options to support various output voltages, while also providing fault mitigation by flagging faults and shifts in output voltages.

Automotive camera modules tend to be size-constrained, so designers are constantly in search of a power management solution that can pack the necessary power and functionality into a small form factor. The 4-channel MAX20049 power management IC is almost 30 percent more compact than competitive solutions and offers the highest efficiency among other quad-power power management ICs in its class. It offers many options to support modules that need various output voltages for different mixes of sensors and serializers, enabling designers to make changes in layout as needed or to fine-tune the IC to meet specific application requirements. The MAX20049 provides fault mitigation, a feature required by designers to help flag faults and shifts in output voltages to ensure that the cameras are working as needed (more info).
