česky english March 13, 2025

Children are no longer sleeping in class, chickens prosper, and drugs do not spoil

11.03. 2019 | News
Author: IQRF Summit

Environmental monitoring is beneficial in a wide variety of areas, and due to IQRF Alliance members cooperation, projects are implemented quickly and efficiently.

The new IQRF Alliance member - České Radiokomunikace a.s. - provides low-energy long-distance communication and an integration platform. Representatives of companies will present using LoRaWan™ and IQRF® as complementary technologies in a specific energy project at the IQRF Summit.

Michal Ruda, Business Development Manager IoT, České Radiokomunikace a.s.: "The LoRaWAN™ network and its equipment, combined with the IQRF® mesh network, provide perfect synergy for complex IoT solutions where not only robust autonomous control functions but also low energy remote communication are required. The IoT cloud platform of the company due to its integration capabilities can efficiently link different types of communication resources, concentrate all data into one secure location, allowing developers and users to build and manage complex IoT architectures from one location. Combining different transport technologies in one cloud platform is the key feature for the successful creation and long-term stable operation of complex IoT solutions across areas."

Although carbon dioxide is commonly present in the atmosphere we breathe, in higher concentrations, it causes tiredness, drowsiness, headache, discomfort, and other worse consequences. It is therefore advisable to monitor its concentration and inform people about it to not forget to ventilate. There are many manufacturers in the IQRF Alliance offering air sensors that can monitor all kinds of gases and pollutants, and many members can integrate these devices, visualize the results, and inform inhabitants.

Not only people need to watch their environment. The members of the Alliance solved the serious problem that had appeared in broiler farming. Due to the bad quality of water and air, there was a significant loss due to higher illness and mortality in their breeding.

The cooperation of IQRF Alliance members has also worked in a project for temperature monitoring in refrigerators and freezers in the hospital. It is important that medicine and other material are stored at the prescribed temperature. It is necessary to keep records about it and to be able to find out what was the temperature during storing.

You will learn more about the realized projects at the IQRF Summit.

When: April 9th to 10th, 2019
Where: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
WWW: www.iqrfsummit.org


IQRF Alliance
Průmyslová 1275
Valdické Předměstí
506 01 Jičín
+420 777 571 699

Ivona Spurná
Event manager & PR
+420 777 775 735

