česky english March 12, 2025

RIGOL Announces New MSO5000 Series Digital Oscilloscope

06.12. 2018 | News

The MSO5000 Series delivers transformational price/performance capability in a bench oscilloscope. With bandwidth from 70MHz to 350MHz, 8GSa/sec sample rate, 500,000 wfms/sec waveform capture rate, and up to 200M Record Length, the MSO5000 Series delivers system performance, signal resolution and memory depth unmatched in its class.

Seven-in-One instrument capability provides 7 measurement functions in one box. The MSO5000 provides Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Waveform Generator, Digital Voltmeter, and Counter/Totalizer functionality all integrated into one system. In addition, tools like Zone Triggering, Advanced Search, 41 Precision Measurements, Multiple High Resolution Color FFTs, as well as standard Histogram and Pass/Fail Analysis make the MSO5000 Series a powerful debug solution.

The MSO5000 is fully upgradable. A customer buying an entry level model can add analog and digital channels, analysis options and upgrade instrument bandwidth via software enabled licenses as their hardware requirements change. This seamless upgradability allows for low cost of entry and investment protection (more info).
