česky english March 12, 2025

Create Secure Connected Applications in a Single Click

26.11. 2018 | News

Microchip Technology Inc. announced a new Internet of Things (IoT) rapid development board as part of an expanded partnership with Google Cloud, enabling designers to prototype connected devices within minutes. The solution combines a powerful AVR® microcontroller (MCU), a CryptoAuthentication™ secure element IC and a fully certified Wi-Fi® network controller to provide a simple and effective way to connect embedded applications. Once connected, Google Cloud IoT Core makes it easy to collect, process and analyze data to inform decisions at scale.

The AVR-IoT WG Development Board gives developers the ability to add Google Cloud connectivity to new and existing projects with a single click using a free online portal at www.AVR-IoT.com. Once connected, developers can use Microchip’s rapid development tools, MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) and Atmel START, to develop and debug in the cloud.
