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Transforming Saudi’s Renewable Energy

01.10. 2018 | News
Author: Saudi Renewable Energy Summit 2018

The National Renewable Energy Program is trending in Saudi Arabia. The program is designed to achieve long-term economic stability and prosperity in the KSA. The Kingdom is targeting the generation of 3.45 GW of renewable energy by 2020 and 9.5 GW by 2023. The vision is supported by an abundant solar resource, land availability, an A-rated sovereign credit, & a strong economy.

Understanding the existing situation in Saudi, the Saudi Renewable Energy Summit initiative brings an opportunity for local management committees, microfinance institutions, NGO’s, renewable energy enterprises, universities & professionals to contribute towards the Vision 2030.

With just 8 weeks to go, the event is encouraging and attracting people towards this business initiative. The summit aims to offer an ideal platform to the leading energy and economic representatives across the globe to Kingdom’s vision. The USPs of this event are: 200+ Attendees, 30+ Speakers & Moderators, 20+ Presentation.

5 Reasons to attend SRES

  • Connect with policymakers, leaders, and decision-makers to grab new business opportunities.
  • Detailed understanding about the scope of job opportunities & economic development and potential of NREP.
  • Grow network with EPC & manufacturing value chain in Saudi.
  • Exhibiting opportunities for the solution providers to showcase their products & services.
  • Top-notch 20+ Speakers line up, brainstorming sessions, panel discussion and much more.

Live Tech Talks, Icebreaker Session and 20 world-class sessions differentiate this event from others.
Register your interest now or contact enquiries@renewableenergyksa.com for any queries.