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Enhanced A2B Transceivers Deliver Unparalleled Flexibility for Emerging Applications

20.07. 2018 | News

Analog Devices announced three enhanced Automotive Audio Bus (A2B®) transceivers that deliver unprecedented capability to tailor system-level performance to even the most stringent electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements.

The new AD242x series offers configurable transmit power levels, enabling the developer to match system performance to specific OEM EMC requirements – a key design criterion for all feature-rich automotive infotainment systems. The transceivers also allow expanded use cases for microphone connectivity and significantly reduce cabling complexity by distributing audio and control data plus clock and power over a single, unshielded twisted-pair wire. These features drastically lower system cost and are ideal for emerging multi-mic applications such as road noise cancellation, in-car communications, and autonomous driving. The new AD2426W, AD2427W and AD2428W devices are fully pin-compatible with existing series members, simplifying upgrade and speeding time to market (more info).
