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RIGOL Announces New 7000 Series Digital Oscilloscope

05.07. 2018 | News

RIGOL Technologies announces a significant addition to its oscilloscope portfolio with the introduction of the New 7000 Series Digital Oscilloscope.

The 7000 Series delivers unmatched price/performance capability in a mid-range oscilloscope. With 10GSa/sec Sample rate and up to 500M Record Length the 7000 Series can deliver 20x Oversampling on a 500MHz signal providing unmatched signal resolution while still capturing a full 50ms; significantly longer than available in competitive products.

Six-in-One capability provides multiple instrument types. Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Waveform Generator, Digital Voltmeter, and Counter/Totalizer are all integrated into the 7000 Series. There are 8 Models (100MHz, 200MHz, 350MHz, and 500MHz) with or without the Logic Analyzer (MSO, more info).