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Keysight Advances Autonomous Driving Safety with HF Automotive Radar Test Solution

19.04. 2018 | News

Keysight Technologies announced the Keysight E8740A Automotive Radar Signal Analysis and Generation Solution. This solution enables radar-based, advanced driver assistance systems to proactively detect and mitigate risks of collisions.

Automotive radar applications are now an indispensable part of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for both manned and autonomous vehicles. Growing demand, especially in higher frequencies, such as 79 GHz applications, has led to new design challenges for engineers.

The E8740A automotive radar signal analysis and generation solution leverages Keysight’s leadership in mmWave technology providing signal analysis from 3 Hz to 110 GHz in a continuous sweep, performs analysis and generation of automotive radar signals across full frequency ranges for 24 GHz, 77 GHz and 79 GHz radar, and provides scalable analysis bandwidth from 2.5 GHz to > 5 GHz, depending on test requirements. Offers a scalable test platform that covers present and future frequencies and bandwidths with intuitive tools enabling engineers to rapidly identify, isolate or correct crucial design errors with confidence. Delivers precise measurements that offer greater sensitivity and dynamic range to ensure better SNR, with displayed average noise levels (DANL) of –150 dBm up to110 GHz and uses Keysight’s premiere SystemVue Automotive Radar Library (W1908) to easily generate frequency-modulated continuous waveforms (FMCW) and scenarios (more info, Reproduced with Permission, Courtesy of Keysight Technologies, Inc.).

Keysight E8740A