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Smart Systems Integration 2018: Event only a few days away – highlights at a glance

04.04. 2018 | News

The Smart Systems Integration, the international communication platform for innovative smart systems and production techniques, will open its doors in a few days. Participants can look forward to a diverse conference program in Dresden from 11 – 12 April 2018.

Conference: Knowledge in a nutshell

The two-day conference will host top speakers from science and industry, who will be presenting innovations, applications and trends in the field of smart systems.

An extensive conference program consisting of five keynote lectures, 54 presentations, 13 sessions, two special sessions from the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS) and over 35 poster presentations will be offered.

Main topics in 2018 will include:

• Applications
• Hardware/Technologies
• Software for smart integrated systems
• Business creation of smart systems

Professor Thomas Otto from the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS and Conference Chair of Smart Systems Integration 2018 summarizes the event:

"The Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition serves as a communication platform for academia, research and industry enabling the exchange of know-how in the field of smart systems integration."

IoSense Spring School

For the first time, the IoSense Spring School on "Building Apps for the Internet of Sensors", hosted by the TU Dresden, will take place as a co-located event parallel to the Smart Systems Integration on 11 April 2018. The goal of IoSense Spring School is to show how to engineer innovative products. The IoSense project focuses on the availability of top innovative, competitive sensors and sensor systems ”Made in Europe” for ”Internet of Sensor” applications in smart mobility, society, energy, healthcare and production. Interested parties can register online at smartsystemsintegration.com/registration for the IoSense Spring School.

Exhibition: presentation platform of the industry

More than 20 international exhibitors from industry and science will be presenting their products and services at the parallel exhibition. In addition to well-known research institutions, such as various institutes of the Fraunhofer Institute and the Swedish research institution Swera, renowned companies such as Polytec and TDK Micronas as well as start-ups such as Optim Wafer Services from France will present their innovative products.

"We are pleased to offer a highly current and diverse program as well as various possibilities for further education to all participants of the Smart Systems Integration. The event also provides a great number of networking opportunities with experts from Europe and Asia through its interesting supporting program," says Anthula Parashoudi, Head of Smart Systems Integration.


Conference tickets without the on-site can be ordered in advance at smartsystemsintegration.com/registration.
The complete conference program as well as further information about the event are available at smartsystemsintegration.com.

About Mesago
Mesago, founded in 1982 and located in Stuttgart, specializes in exhibitions and conferences
on various topics of technology. The company belongs to the Messe Frankfurt Group. Mesago
operates internationally and is not tied to a specific venue. With 140 members of staff Mesago
organizes events for the benefit of more than 3,300 exhibitors and over 110,000 trade visitors,
conference delegates and speakers from all over the world. Numerous trade associations,
publishing houses, scientific institutes and universities work with Mesago closely as advisers,
co-organizers and partners. (mesago.com)

About Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organizer with its own
exhibition grounds. With over 2,500* employees at some 30 locations, the company generates
annual sales of around €661* million. Thanks to its far-reaching ties with the relevant sectors
and to its international sales network, the Group looks after the business interests of its
customers effectively. A comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures
that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning,
organising and running their events. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition
grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. With its
headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60
percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent). * Preliminary figures for 2017