česky english March 10, 2025

LYTSwitch-6 LED Drivers From Power Integrations Feature High Efficiency and Very Low Standby Power

19.03. 2018 | News

Power Integrations announced the LYTSwitch™-6 family of safety-isolated LED-driver ICs for smart lighting applications. The new ICs deliver flicker-free output up to 65 W, and feature up to 94% efficiency and as little as 15 mW standby power, with configuration options for two-stage or single-stage PFC support.

Targeting smart residential and commercial fixtures and low-profile ceiling troffers, LYTSwitch-6 ICs also exhibit fast transient response, which facilitates excellent cross regulation performance of parallel LED strings without additional regulator hardware, and allows easy-implementation of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) dimming interface. LYTSwitch-6 ICs include both constant-voltage (CV) and constant-current (CC) operation, enabling lighting manufacturers to reduce the number of product variants, resulting in manufacturing and logistics savings. The new ICs are protected by an advanced thermal foldback system which prevents overheating while delivering as much light as thermally possible in any circumstance or installation.


A reference design (DER-637) describing a 35 W PWM-dimmable LED power supply with efficiency over 89% and a power factor greater than 0.9 is available for download.