česky english March 10, 2025

Robusta: a very low profile GNSS antenna for metal surfaces

22.09. 2017 | News

Antenova is to launch Robusta part no. SR4G031, a new GNSS antenna for metal surfaces. The antenna operates in the 1559-1609 MHz bands and is designed for tracking metal objects and smart city applications.

Antenova’s takes antenna design a step forward with its REFLECTOR family, which answers the challenge of operating on a metal surface or housing, where it is extremely difficult for an antenna to operate. The REFLECTOR antennas use a patented new technology where there are two layers, one electrically isolated from the other, so as to provide RF shielding to the second layer. This allows the antenna to radiate effectively in the direction pointing away from the base material.

The antenna is manufactured from rigid FR4 material and measures 23mm x 16mm x 1.7mm high, and comes with 100mm or 150mm cable and IPEX MHF connector and an adhesive pad for easy integration into a device (more info).
