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Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing pioneers NB-IoT field measurements

31.08. 2017 | News

Current LTE networks are optimized for delivering high data rates for multimedia applications requiring high bandwidth. Networks for IoT applications, however, will be optimized for highest availability (deep indoor penetration) and lowest battery consumption. For the various NB-IoT applications, good network coverage is required to ensure a proper NB-IoT connection.

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing now offers a new product for NB-IoT coverage measurements. The new NB-IoT coverage measurement solution is based on the field-proven R&S ROMES drive test software for measuring network quality with scanners and test mobiles in all mobile technologies. In combination with the TSMW, TSMA, and TSME scanners, R&S ROMES offers the first LTE/NB-IoT coverage measurement solution that measures true NB-IoT network coverage (more info).