česky english March 10, 2025

Gain Extended Bluetooth Range with Cypress' EZ-BLE PRoC XR Modules

24.07. 2017 | News

Mouser Electronics is now shipping EZ-BLE™ PRoC™ XR Bluetooth® 4.2 modules and evaluation boards from Cypress Semiconductor. These Bluetooth low energy wireless modules offer an extended range of up to 400 meters bidirectional communication (or up to 450 meters in beacon-only mode) for a broad range of applications, including Internet of Things and home and factory automation.

The Cypress EZ-BLE Programmable Radio-on-Chip (PRoC) XR modules are 48 MHz 32-bit solutions with 256 KBytes of flash, 32 KBytes of SRAM, and a 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter. The modules feature two integrated crystals, up to 19 general-purpose inputs and outputs, and a programmable architecture that supports a number of peripheral functions (such as ADC, timers, counters, and PWM) and serial communication protocols, including I2C, UART, and SPI (more info).