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Rigol Announces new Custom Chipset and Oscilloscope Architecture

20.07. 2017 | News

Rigol Technologies continues its 19 year history of Test and Measurement innovation with the announcement of its new Phoenix Oscilloscope chipset and the Ultravision II oscilloscope architecture.

There are three chips in the Phoenix chipset – each named after stars in the Phoenix Constellation.  The Analog Front End Chip (named Beta Phoenicis) will allow for front end bandwidth of 4GHz with highly integrated capability allowing for simplified and highly reliable front end design. The Signal Processing Chip (Ankaa) supports 10GS/s sampling with bandwidth up to 6GHz and the Probe Amplifier Chip (Gamma Phoenicis) will support a 6GHz Active Differential probe.

The Phoenix Chipset enables Rigol to revolutionize its scope performance with the new UltraVision II architecture. These enhancements will lead to products with significantly faster waveform capture rates, new filtering and triggering capabilities, and unprecedented memory depths and search capabilities. When combined with the HW performance of the Phoenix Chipset, Ultravision II will transform the customer value proposition in the 1-4GHz oscilloscope market (more info).