česky english March 12, 2025

Siemens extends leadership in EDA design-for-test with the launch of Tessent RTL Pro

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Siemens Digital Industries Software unveiled Tessent™ RTL Pro, an innovative software solution developed to help integrated circuit (IC) design teams streamline and accelerate a broad array of critical design-for-test (DFT) tasks for their next-generation designs.

As IC designs continue to grow in both size and complexity, engineers must identify and address testability issues at the earliest possible stages of design. Siemens’ Tessent software helps customers meet this need by enabling the analysis and insertion of a large majority of their DFT logic very early in the design flow, performing quick synthesis and then running ATPG (automatic test pattern generation) to identify and address outlier blocks and take appropriate measures.

Extending the Tessent portfolio’s industry-leading design editing capabilities, Tessent RTL Pro automates the analysis and insertion of test points, wrapper cells, and x-bounding logic earlier in the design flow, which can help customers shorten design cycles and improve the testability of their designs. Unlike competing solutions, Tessent RTL Pro handles complex Verilog and SystemVerilog constructs while maintaining the look and feel of the original RTL design.

The new solution works with Siemens’ market-leading Tessent DFT tools to deliver industry-first functionality. Tessent RTL Pro enables analysis of RTL complexity and its adaptability for test point insertion, evaluating whether the customer’s RTL structure can be edited efficiently, which is a critical factor when adding test points throughout the design. This innovative functionality can help customers reduce their design turn-around-time and improve time-to-market.

Tessent RTL Pro’s "shift-left" functionality also helps enhance the ability of third-party tools to optimize area and timing when adding DFT logic prior to synthesis, leaving only scan insertion for the gate level. Design insertion happens at the RTL development stage, with RTL output, allowing seamless integration with third-party synthesis and verification software. In addition, RTL Pro generates design files that work with any downstream synthesis or verification flows, without requiring a closed-flow process.

For more information about Tessent RTL Pro and Siemens EDA's comprehensive suite of IC design solutions, please visit www.siemens.com/tessent
