česky english February 18, 2025

Kilometre by kilometre, the eBike learns more

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Bosch presents intelligent route planning and navigation.

AI solutions are increasingly being used to make a variety of everyday tasks easier. They impress with personalised applications by analysing individual needs and continuously learning from them. Thanks to Connected Biking, the physical riding experience merges with the digital world. Consequently, the eBike has long become an intelligent companion. Connected via the eBike Flow app, it forms part of a modern, digital lifestyle and always remains up-to-date. Bosch eBike Systems integrates AI-based solutions into the smart system, which recognise user behaviour, learn from it and enable, for example, smarter route planning and navigation.

Range Control: AI ensures greater reliability when it comes to range on the eBike

The new, AI-based “Range Control” feature makes planning rides easier: eBikers no longer need to worry about their battery range. When you plan a route in the eBike Flow app, it immediately indicates the percent of battery charge remaining when you reach your destination. To display the most accurate range possible, the smart system gathers various information, including the system weight, the elevation profile of the route and your personal riding behaviour during your recent rides. Its predictions become increasingly precise: once the first activities have been recorded, the system is able to determine the battery status on arrival much more accurately than on the first journey. The predicted battery level is also updated during the journey and the current riding style is taken into account. This means that riders can concentrate fully on their eBike experience.


Know what battery level you will reach your destination with before your ride – or even set the desired minimum battery level at destination yourself: This can be done with the new “Range Control” feature.

To rule out every last worry about range during the journey, you can even set the desired minimum battery level at destination. The smart system takes care of the rest – extremely practical if, for example, charging isn’t possible before the return journey or the next ride. If required, eBikers can enable this additional feature via a toggle button in the eBike Flow app. A slider can then be used to precisely set the desired battery level at destination. Depending on the selection, the app indicates whether the route can be travelled with full, low or very low support. During the journey, the smart system then adjusts the motor support as necessary. This ensures that you arrive with the predetermined battery level. With this new development, wondering whether the battery will last to the destination is now a thing of the past for eBikes with a smart system from Bosch.

Personalised arrival time and route planning

The smart system also uses other AI features for personalised planning. The expected arrival time, for example, can be calculated and displayed before a ride. An analysis of previous riding behaviour on similar routes helps here. eBikers also benefit from personalised route suggestions: The smart system knows, for example, which road types, which surfaces and which gradients and speeds are preferred, and makes a corresponding route recommendation.

Current charge level for easy planning and detailed maps for Kiox displays

Further new functions make navigation and planning even easier. With the “current charge level” feature, users can track the battery status live during the charging process on the eBike Flow app and view it anytime and anywhere. So you can plan your next tour or onward journey at home on the couch or in a cosy café. The “extended navigation” feature enhances the navigation display on the Kiox 300 and Kiox 500 displays. This no longer only shows the planned route and junctions, but also all side roads. These new, additional map details ensure the best possible orientation and intuitive navigation. “Extended navigation” and “current charge level” are part of the Flow+ subscription service.

With the “current charge level” feature, the battery level can be tracked live on the eBike Flow app during the charging process and viewed at any time and anywhere.

New insights on completed journeys

Bosch also presents numerous innovations in terms of the ride statistics. This means that all riders who have a Bosch eBike ABS installed on their eBike can view the percentage of braking manoeuvres with and without ABS as a direct comparison in the eBike Flow app. During the ride, the number of braking manoeuvres where ABS was activated is also displayed.

The “riding mode usage” display is no longer only available during the ride, but also as a statistic afterwards. A clear pie chart shows the ratios of the riding modes used (including Off mode). The same applies to the “power share” screen. The “power share” screen provides insights into the average rider power compared to the average power of the drive unit, based on current activity and the selected riding mode. This information helps eBikers to improve their fitness level and optimise their training. Display of riding mode usage and power share after the ride are both part of Flow+.

The new Eco+ mode blurs the boundaries between eBiking and normal cycling, saves energy and enables particularly long ranges.

New Eco+ mode enables long ranges

In addition to the digital features, Bosch is also introducing a new riding mode for the smart system. The new Eco+ mode blurs the boundaries between eBiking and normal cycling, saves energy and enables particularly long ranges. It is particularly suitable for eBikers who enjoy pedalling without support on flat terrain, but do not want to do without a motor on climbs or when overtaking, for example. Depending on the rider performance, the motor remains completely switched off until an activation threshold that can be customised in the eBike Flow app is exceeded. This is ideal for lightweight eBikes, but also for eSUVs and eTrekking bikes. When support is no longer required, the motor switches off automatically. This makes it easy to save energy and extend the range, making even lengthy tours possible without charging or replacing the battery. The Eco+ mode is available for all drive units with the smart system from Bosch eBike Systems and can be installed on your own eBike using the eBike Flow app.

Even more customisation: display configuration on the Purion 200

The networking of components creates new possibilities for customisation. Like the Kiox 300 and Kiox 500 displays, the display of the Purion 200 control unit can now also be customised according to your own preferences: eBikers can sort, add or delete content in the eBike Flow app. You prefer the speed to be displayed on the left and always want the heart rate on the right? No problem, because two tiles per screen can be freely assigned. The screen order can also be redefined.

Picture: Bosch eBike Systems
