česky english March 12, 2025

Automotive Qualified eGaN FET Helps ToF Lidar Systems ‘See’ Better

29.11. 2019 | News

EPC announces successful AEC Q101 qualification of the 15 V EPC2216 designed for lidar applications where increased accuracy is vital such as in self-driving cars and other time-of-flight (TOF) applications including facial recognition, warehouse automation, drones and mapping.

The EPC2216, an 15 V, 26 mΩ, eGaN® FET with a 28 A pulsed current rating in a tiny 0.85 x 1.2mm footprint, is perfectly suited to use for firing the lasers in lidar systems because the FET can be triggered to create high-current with extremely short pulse widths.  The short pulse width leads to higher resolution, and the tiny size and low cost, make eGaN FETs ideal for time-of-flight applications from automotive to industrial, healthcare to smart advertising, gaming and security (more info).  
