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Numerous World Premieres, Strong Dynamic Growth, and an Extensive Partner Country Program with the USA

14.11. 2019 | News

Thanks to an array of world-firsts, this year’s Formnext is once again set to become the center of global innovation in additive manufacturing and modern production technologies on 19 – 22 November 2019.

The new developments expected – some of which are truly groundbreaking – come from a wide variety of areas all along the process chain, from high-performance materials for 3D printing and new and faster production systems to advanced holistic solutions for industrialized additive manufacturing.

This high concentration of innovations goes hand-in-hand with the impressive dynamic growth of Formnext itself, which has increased its number of exhibitors to well over 800 and expanded to more than 50,000 square meters of exhibition space. For specialists and decision-makers from the many user industries expected to attend, Formnext 2019 will include a diverse program of supporting events with individual offerings for architecture, automotive manufacturing, mechanical engineering, medical technology, and other sectors.

One of the highlights of Formnext 2019 will be this year’s partner country, the United States. Besides being represented by 50 exhibitors – including numerous global leaders in the world of AM, such as 3D Systems, Carbon, Desktop Metal, ExOne, HP, and Markforged – the US will have its own separate agenda of various supplementary activities. Among them is the internationally renowned AM Standards Forum, the second of which (following its 2018 debut) will continue the effort to develop globally uniform standards and norms on Tuesday, November 19. Leading representatives from the most important technical committees, ISO/TC 261 and ASTM F42, will speak and present an overview of the current and future developments in international standards in different areas of industry.

Wednesday, November 20, will then center on the USA. On Formnext Partner Country USA Day, visitors can look forward to a varied program of events at the US pavilion (Hall 12.0, E101). In two “pitch fest sessions”, 10 innovative US companies will unveil their products and solutions for the world of additive manufacturing. Numerous presentations on the AM developments in the United States will provide related information, along with sound insights into public relations, certification, law, and other subject areas. This special day at the US pavilion will then culminate in an international reception sponsored by the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG).

Formnext’s collaboration with the US Commercial Service and the presence of prominent US associations like AMUG, the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) have resulted in further highlights that will underscore the significance of this year’s partner country, such as a panel discussion on Formnext.TV. Key representatives of these associations will also be on hand at the forums at the US pavilion.

Meanwhile, the US Commercial Service has organized a trade delegation for a select number of US companies in additive manufacturing. In addition to the two intensive Formnext days on which these company representatives will learn about the latest and future developments in AM while meeting new contacts, they plan to visit companies and take advantage of B2B networking in France and Poland.

More info: formnext.com