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New CAPZero-3 X-Capacitor Discharge ICs Meet IEC60335

28.10. 2019 | News

Power Integrations announced CAPZero™-3, the latest generation of the company’s elegant, energy-saving X-capacitor discharge ICs. Two-terminal CAPZero-3 ICs enable designers to easily meet IEC60335 safety approvals for major appliances, and cover all capacitor values from 100 nF to 6 µF.

IEC60335 is the discharge safety standard for all appliances. To protect the user from an electrical hazard, it requires the voltage across the input X capacitor to discharge to less than 34 V within less than one second after the AC is removed. CAPZero-3 ICs block current flow through the X-capacitor discharge resistors when the AC voltage is connected, and automatically discharge X capacitors through those resistors when the AC is disconnected. CAPZero-3 ICs simplify EMI filter designs while permitting the use of larger X capacitors, which in turn enables smaller inductive components to be used with no resulting change in power consumption (more info, photo: Business Wire).