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PCIM Asia: unique platform for power electronics in Asia closes with positive resonance

28.06. 2019 | News

A total of 81 exhibitors presented the latest trends, developments and product innovations for all application areas of power electronics in Asia from 26 - 28 June 2019. With a total area of 7,000 square meters in Shanghai, PCIM Asia closed its doors after a successful three days. PCIM Asia is jointly organized by Guangzhou Guangya Trade Fair Frankfurt Co Ltd and Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH.

The PCIM Asia 2019 offers an extensive supporting program that promotes the exchange between visitors and exhibitors and gives exhibitors the opportunity to present their latest products and technologies. Highlights in the exhibition hall included the E-Mobility Forum and Power Electronics Applied Technologies Forum with renowned companies such as AkzoNobel, BYD, Danfoss, Eagtop, Firstack, Harting, Heraeus, Hitachi Metals, Infineon, Isabellenhuette, MacDermid Alpha, Sanrise, Sabic, Toshiba, Wevo-Chemie.

The conference, held parallel to the fair, also achieved a good result with 407 participants. Well-known speakers from all over the world showcased the latest developments in silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) devices and their respective applications in renewable energy, transmission and electric vehicles. This year, a total of 47 conference papers were presented, including 27 oral presentations and 20 posters. One of the major focuses of the 2019 edition was the applications in the field of electrified transportation, which were also covered in two keynote speeches. Speakers and their presentation topics were as follows:

  • Topic: Electric Vehicles Charging – An Ultrafast Overview
    Speaker: Prof. Drazen Dujic, Power Electronics Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Topic: Traction Motors and Power Electronic Drives of Electric Powertrains for Electrified Vehicles
    Speaker: Dr. William Cai, Jing-Jin Electric Technologies Co Ltd, China

The analysis will be available at the end of July after a detailed evaluation of the figures. Pictures of this year's event can be found in print quality in the press section at www.pcimasia-expo.com. The next PCIM Asia will take place from 1 - 3 July 2020 in Shanghai.