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Keysight Announces Next Generation Handheld Microwave Analyzer

27.06. 2019 | News

Keysight Technologies announced the next generation of the company's multi-purpose, handheld microwave analyzer, the FieldFox B-series, which delivers measurement precision and bandwidth up to 100 MHz for wide-band, real-time spectrum analysis to enable 5G testing in the field.

Accurate microwave measurements are becoming increasingly necessary in harsh and hard-to-reach environments spanning a wide range of conditions: day or night, rain or shine, hot or cold; aboard a ship, in an aircraft, or in a vehicle. In these situations, a handheld instrument must be capable of making the required measurements with performance and accuracy.

Keysight's new FieldFox B-series analyzers offer wide-band, gap-free, real-time measurement capabilities that enable 5G network testing in the field. In addition, these new capabilities enable customers to locate and identify the shortest interfering threats to their satellite communication networks (more info).
